£1,200 grant for Hayle Memory Café to cover 3 years rent and activity contributions. Hayle Memory Café was able to reopen in August 21 in the same regular, spacious and well ventilated venue, being in the same venue helps people with memory problems by giving people the security of knowing where they are, reducing stress and agitation which in turn let carers relax more and enjoy themselves. People were desperate to come back and have some social interaction, carers mental health was becoming a great concern for the organisers. People actually cried when they returned. The grant gave organisers the ability to return to the regular venue and secured rent for another two years which gave great peace of mind. The balance was used to pay for music sessions which were invaluable to get the café ‘back to normal’.
“I can’t tell you how happy I am to be back here”
I love it here. You will not forget me for next time will you?”
” The music makes me feel young again””
“You do not know how much I have been looking forward to this. I have not been coping well and it is so good to talk to other carers again”